Privacy and Confidentiality policy.

Privacy Policy

Cultivating Compassion recognises that the sensitive information, which has been disclosed to us, needs special care and protection. We are required by law, as detailed in the Information Privacy Act 2000 (“The Act”), to comply with a strict code of conduct to maintain the privacy of all personal information on record. This Privacy Policy complies with the privacy principles set out in the Act and explains how we apply them in practice.

Personal and sensitive Information

Cultivating Compassion collects the following personal and sensitive information and undertakes to hold it in a secure manner.
– Name and title
– Full contact details
– Credit card details
– Case notes pertaining to each session
– And other documentary information


This information has been collected directly from individual client record forms, sign up forms, correspondence, phone calls and e-mails. Cultivating Compassion collects uses and holds only information relevant to the conduct of its business. This includes maintaining a register of clients, conducting counselling and coaching, holding case notes securely, organising training and biopsychosocial education.
Cultivating Compassion undertakes to maintain a high quality of data on record and to update that information as appropriate to the function it serves. Additional personal information will only be collected if necessary to maintaining a high standard of service to clients and the individuals involved will be consulted by the means specified in the act. Additional sensitive information as defined in the Act, will only be collected with the consent of individuals involved and in accordance with the Act.


The information will only be used within Cultivating Compassion for the purpose for which it was collected and in accordance with the Act. Cultivating Compassion will not disclose to a third party, any personal or sensitive information without written consent of the individual concerned. In the event of a formal legal request, Cultivating Compassion may be obliged to disclose personal information to an appropriate third party in accordance with the Act.


The entire process of collection, storage, transfer and use of personal information will be undertaken in a secure manner such that it fully protects all personal and sensitive information. On the cessation of connection with Cultivating Compassion, the personal information will be held securely for as long as it is prudent and disposed of appropriately when the information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and in a manner specified by the Act.

Access and Correction

Individuals are entitled to access their own personal and sensitive information held by Cultivating Compassion. Individuals are also entitled to change incorrect or out of date information. The request for access to personal information must be made in writing and the request will be processed in accordance with the Act.


Where lawful and practical, Cultivating Compassion will offer the option for anonymity when providing personal information in the process of transacting Cultivating Compassion business.


Cultivating Compassion will not use identifiers assigned by government bodies and agencies.

How to make a complaint about breach of privacy
We will take all due care to make sure that breaches of privacy will not occur but if you do have a complaint it is very important that you let us know. Alternatively you may contact the ACA Secretary or Chair of the Ethics Committee directly.


Confidentiality Policy

As a practitioner registered with the Australian Counselling Association, Shellie Worth of Cultivating Compassion abides by the following principles:

1.    Practitioners protect clients’ privacy and confidentiality. This is paramount to create a psychologically safe environment and to maintain the trust clients place in Practitioners.

2.    Practitioners inform clients of the confidential nature of counselling and psychotherapy services and explain the limits to confidentiality. A client’s right to confidentiality continues after the client’s death unless there are overriding legal considerations.

3.    Practitioners take into account their legal obligations and their clients’ rights under privacy legislation and any other legal requirements relating to privacy.

4.    Practitioners do not disclose personally identifiable and sensitive information about their clients and take steps to prevent unauthorised disclosure. Disclosure may be authorised in the following circumstances:

  • by client consent;

  • where there are risks to the safety of the client or the safety of a third party (if the circumstances are serious enough to justify disclosure); or

  • when required by the law.

1.    When making an authorised disclosure of a client’s personal information, practitioners inform their clients of the actions they will take, to the extent that this is practicable. If possible, they obtain consent in writing prior to making the disclosure.

2.    Practitioners protect clients’ right to confidentiality during supervision by ensuring information that could enable personal identification of the client is appropriately disguised.

3.    Practitioners maintain the confidentiality of clients when including confidential client material about clients in any report, publication, teaching activity or presentation. Practitioners obtain the client’s informed consent in writing prior to using the confidential client material for these purposes and take care to disguise the identity of the clients.

4.    Practitioners protect the confidentiality of client records using a secure storage system, either for paper or electronic records as appropriate.


For more details see ACA code of ethics